This is an extraordinary event in the life of the Metropolitan Washington DC Scottish Community. The Kirkin’ takes place May 4th 2025 at the Washington National Cathedral located in the upper part NW Washington DC near the Maryland line. Pipes & Drums and Members in full regalia step off at 3:30 PM sharp from the South Walk.
The Washington St. Andrew’s Society has conducted the Kirkin’ Service at the National Cathedral, uninterrupted, since 1952 when it was moved there by then Chaplain Rev. Dr. C. Stewart McKenzie from several other churches in the DC area.
The massed Pipes, Drums, & Colors will lead the Tartan Bearers & Society Members into the Cathedral Nave at precisely 4:00 PM for the start of the service under direction of Cathedral Verger. Upon conclusion of the service, the massed Pipes & Drums (in force) march in again to the High Altar with Society Members for the “Blessing of the Tartans”, Remembrance of Departed Comrades, and Benediction. Upon dismissal at the Altar the entire company follows the Pipes & Drums out of the Cathedral in procession.