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National Tartan Day
March 27, 2023 @ 2:00 pm – 9:00 pm
The National Capital Tartan Day Committee (NCTDC) will again be celebrating the Tartan Day Holiday in DC this year–the 25th anniversary of the passage of the Senate Standing Resolution designating April 6th of each year as National Tartan Day–to honor the many contributions of Scots, and Scottish-Americans, to the founding and subsequent development of the United States–in all fields of endeavor.
This year, both of NCTDC’s regular events--Symposium and Reception–will occur “live” and on the same day–Thursday, 6th April–and in the same location (DACOR Bacon House in downtown DC, at 19th & “F” Streets, NW, very near the White House and the World Bank Building). The Symposium (in the indoor parlor) will run from 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM. The Reception (in the walled garden, out back) from 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM.
The Annual Tartan Day Award–presented each year to deserving Scottish-Americans by the Scottish Coalition, USA (TSCUSA)–will be presented jointly during the Reception to former Congressmen John Duncan (R-TN) and Mike McIntyre (D-NC), founding Co-Chairs of the Friends of Scotland Caucus in the House (2002 – 2019 for Duncan, and 2002 – 2015 for McIntyre)–for their leadership in founding and chairing the Caucus, and for sponsoring the House Tartan Day Resolution (H.R. 41), in 2005. As in years past, the award will be presented by the members of the steering committee of the five Scottish heritage organizations that together make up TSCUSA. Both Mr. Duncan and Mr. McIntyre will attend the event. The award will be presented by Camilla Hellman, President of ASF, Peter Wilson, President of SHUSA, Ken Lloyd, the new National commander of the Scottish American Military Society (SAMS), and John King Bellassai, President of COSCA–all member organizations of TSCUSA.
All current members of the House Friends of Scotland Caucus will be invited to join us for the Thursday Reception and Awards Presentation at DACOR Bacon House. Though Congress will not be in session that week, some will likely be in town.
Our lineup of speakers for the afternoon Symposium will include (1) Chris Thomson, Scottish Gov’t Counselor for North America; (2) Professor Duncan Sim of the University of the West of Scotland, who has published on the subject of the Scottish Diaspora in America; (3) the Rt. Hon. Andrew Morrison, Viscount Dunrossil, an hereditary Scottish peer long resident here in the States; (4) Donald MacLaren, Chief of Clan Laurin and Convenor of the Standing Council of Scottish Chiefs; (5) Professor James Ambuske from George Mason University in Fairfax, VA; (6) Keith MacGregor, North American Board Member for the Clan Gregor Society, Scotland; (7) Alexandra Duncan, Membership Secretary for the Scottish American Women’s Society of Washington, DC; and three speakers who together c will address trade policy between Scotland and the USA and related issues economic issues–(8) Ian Houston, President of the Scottish Business Network, (9) John Bleed Director of the Confederation of British Industry, (a BABA/ DC member organization), and (10) Peter Wilson, President of Great Scot International, a business entrepreneur located in NC who imports Scottish food stuffs, beverages and woolens). (Peter is also President of Scottish Heritage, USA (SHUSA) a Scottish Coalition member organization.)
- Professor Duncan Sim will be focusing on the Scottish Government’s new Engagement Plan with the U.S., which he and a colleague have just revised, at the direction of ScotGov. He will also be alluding to his previously published work about the present-day Scottish Diaspora in the USA, and giving an update.
- Lord Dunrossil and Donald MacLaren, who are both with the governance group at the Standing Council of Scottish Chiefs (SCSC), will be addressing aspects of how the various clan and family societies here in the States (of which there are approximately 120)–celebrate and display their “Scottishness.” As you know, all these clan societies have websites and pitch tents at highland games around the USA. And many Scottish clan chiefs come over as guests of honor to attend these events. Though the relations between the clan chiefs in Scotland and their clan societies in the USA (and elsewhere around the world) are generally cordial, there are some issues around authenticity about which the SCSC has expressed concerns. Dunrossil and MacLaren will also talk about the SCSC’s new “Heirs Project”–an effort to provide training and orientation to the upcoming heirs of Scottish clan and family chiefs, and to the generation of new, young chiefs now stepping into leadership roles. These will be the primary focus of their remarks. this will be a panel discussion.
- Keith MacGregor will be talking about the 20-year effort of the Clan Gregor Society, Scotland–founded in 1822, of which Keith is the North American Board Member–to unearth and restore a dozen intricately carved gravestones bearing images of armored medieval MacGregor chiefs, which had all lain long-forgotten and neglected in a highland cemetery for centuries.
- Prof. Ambuske from George Mason University has focused his research on Scots in colonial America, before and during the American Revolution. He will talk about that.
- Alex Duncan will bring us news from SAWS which is a relatively new (8 years old now) nonprofit membership organization open to all women in the DC Metro Area who were born in Scotland or descend from one or more Scottish immigrants to America (female or male).
- Ian Houston, Peter Wilson, and John Bleed will together be addressing current trade and economic issues between Scotland and the USA–including the impact of Brexit, inflation and supply chain issues, and President Biden’s newly announced “Buy American” trade policy on Scottish exports, etc. (This will be a panel discussion.)
John Bellessai
(202) 258-4876